European Citizenship Academy – ECA

Project Info
European youth education project which aims to engage young people and youth organisations in the democratic process and society.
Project Description
The European Citizenship Academy is a European youth education project which aims to engage young people and youth organisations in the democratic process and society by offering training, developing exchanges and encouraging meetings, discussion and debate, to help them identify their link with the EU, its values and its democratic foundations, in a word to accompany them in becoming actively aware of their European citizenship.
Project Duration
Project Objectives
ECA’s overall aim is to get young people and youth organisations involved in the democratic process and in society by offering training, developing exchanges and encouraging meetings, discussion and debate, with the aim of helping them to identify their link with the EU, its values and its democratic foundations, in short to help them become actively aware of their European citizenship.
1.Create an e-learning & hybrid information and learning pathway on the European Union for young people and youth workers.
- Increase young people’s knowledge of the European Union
- Train youth workers to raise awareness and educate about Europe
- Create information resources tailored to young people
- Initiate an online pathway for young people to learn and develop their
knowledge of the European Union
2. Experience your European citizenship.
- Create situations to enable young people & youth workers to
understand and experience their EU citizenship. - Create spaces for young people from different countries and
backgrounds, including those with fewer opportunities, to meet and talk
about EU. - Promote EU in actions through EU programmes for youth,
volunteering and commitment (Erasmus+ & ESC in particular) - Promote the exchange of good practice & the networking of different experiences of information and education about EU.
3. Acting and experiencing European citizenship.
- Supporting young people’s involvement in European education
initiatives at local level - Promote information and education on Europe for young people among
stakeholders, decision-makers and other young people - Express your expectations and desires, and talk to decision-makers
Project Activities
– Creating e-learing ECA platform
– Youth Exchanges
– Online meetings
– Study visit in Brussels
– Policy paper document, reports, booklet, campaigns.
Project Outcomes
- To coordinate the pedagogical and technical aspects of the project and promote a quality approach within ECA
- Ensure smooth internal communications and local and European implementation
- Support quality and strong impacts, measure and evaluate results
- Create e-learning content on 5 topics:
- What is the European Union?
- How does the European Union work?
- What does the EU bring to our daily lives?
- What is at stake for the EU?
- The Green deal
- Developing an LMS platform
- Creating the UX
- Integrating the e-learning approach and tools into hybrid activities and events
- To enable young people and youth workers to understand and experience their European citizenship.
- Promote Europe in actions through European programmes for youth, volunteering and commitment (Erasmus+ and ESC in particular)
- Create spaces for young people from different countries to meet and talk about Europe
- Involving young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in international mobility schemes
- Involving local communities in Erasmus+ non-formal education activities to promote the exchange of good practice and the networking of different experiences of information and education about Europe
- To make a state of the art of European education in the youth field.
- Train Youth Leaders to develop actions to raise awareness and educate other young people about Europe
- Encourage and initiate actions by young people to provide information on the European Union at local level.
- Promote the interest, impact and feasibility of education about Europe, in Europe to European and local political decision-makers.
- To promote, at local level, participation in the 2024 European Parliament elections.
- To promote a broad knowledge, at local and national level, of the European Union among young people.
- To promote and publicise the European Citizenship Academy project to as many youth organisations as possible (particularly those active at European level).
- Raise awareness at local and European level for education about Europe (including decision-makers and civil servants involved in the management of European youth policies and programmes).
- Make the voice of young Europeans heard in the institutions and ensure the dissemination of their ideas on the role of youth spaces within civil society.
How to get involved?
For more information contact us.
Project Website and SM
Website: myeurope.academy
Project Consortium

Project Financed by

Project News
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