“One of the best trainings i have attended”, “It would be hard to go back to the reality”, “I god answers for the questions I wasn’t even knew I had”, “Now I am ready to face the challenges connected with youth information”, these were few of the many phrases the participants wrote on the board “did we met your expectations” from the training course YIntro, as part of the project “Information for youth and democratic participation, funded by the Erasmus+ and supported by Municipality of Timisoara and ERYICA.

The team of trainers have been challenged when they meet so many enthusiast, hard workers, experienced and motivated young people, so they were happy to create an advance methodology that will prepare them for the new challenges and adventures in the Youth Info Work.

They gathered together from Macedonia, Romania, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Malta, Croatia, Ukraine, Finland and Luxembourg and created the comfort space every trainer is looking for. The trainers created the safety space, every participant is looking for. And the results are extraordinary. Even before the training have finished, they started to ask and looking for the next info trainings endeavors. This is the youth we need nowadays.

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