Application are open for the mPreneur National Camp – Mobile App for Sustainable Future Competition!

Show us your mobile app that you’ve created (individually or in teams) that has a potential to solve certain issues in the community or it’s an answers to the persisting community challenges!

About the project

The Project “mPreneur: Youth Mobile Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Future” aims to stimulate capacity-building of youth and youth CSOs for usage of apps coding and ICT as vital skills for youth employability as well as for strengthening community resilience, developing innovative mobile solutions to the persisting community challenges. Social mobile entrepreneurship is recognized as a special concept uniting the purpose-driven component of the businesses and the mobile technology used.

mPreneur does not only stimulates skills sharing among youngsters, but strengthens the quality of youth work by building CSOs capacities for digital learning and usage of ICT for youth empowerment and employability, while gamifying the process through mobile app business competitions.
During the National Camp in Macedonia 2 winners will be selected who will continue their mPreneur journey at the International Training Course in Ohrid and at the World Summit Awards, Gala event in Graz where one overall winner will be selected from all continents.


  • Age from 18 to 30 years old from Macedonia;
  • Understanding and speaking fluent English;
  • The applicants should develop an app that will solve social challenges in the community and make an impact;
  • The app should be in at least beta version;
  • The app should present a sustainable social business solution, using mobile technology;
  • Some of the team members could travel abroad (TC Social mPreneur School in Ohrid, Macedonia and Gala Conference EYA event in Graz, Austria).


  • The selected participants will get a chance to travel and compete for WSA in Graz, where they will use the opportunity to get; international exposure in front of the digital community and experts from around the world;
  • Certificate of participation on the training in Ohrid, North Macedonia;
  • Networking and experience exchange with people from 8 countries worldwide (Africa, Asia and Europe);
  • Mentoring by experts during the trainings (mLearning, Techpreneurship, and Sustainable Impact-making for young aspiring entrepreneurs);
  • Promotion of your mobile app – solution by mPreneur platform and social media channels;
  • Be featured in the online book of inspiration on mPreneur sustainability toolkit: mPowering Youngsters and Youth Workers on Social Mobile Entrepreneurship.


Download the application form HERE,  fill the document and send it to: .

The National Camp will be organized onsite in Ohrid,  September 2022 (selected participants will be updated you on the date and location in late August).

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