
Project Info
The CALL 4 ACTION project addresses the lack of good accessibilities of public spaces (parks, sidewalks, schools, marketplaces), one of the main reasons for the social exclusion of persons with disabilities.
Project Description
The CALL4ACTION project addresses the lack of good accessibilities of public spaces (parks, sidewalks, schools, marketplaces), one of the main reasons for the social exclusion of persons with disabilities. The partners play a pivotal role in disseminating accessibility-related projects, wishing to move forward in transnational cooperation to support accessibility actions, and sharing knowledge on the best practices to overcome this social challenge
Project Duration
Project Objectives
1) Assess and compare the national state of accessibility to public spaces for people with disabilities in 3 European
countries – needs assessment
2) To train relevant technicians responsible for monitoring and fieldwork on accessibility in terms of “accessibility literacy” –
inclusion, diversity, and adult learning
3) Increase the capacity of organizations and citizen personal development – promotion of transnational cooperation
between entities in terms of accessibility and development of skills in the public – ACCESSIBILITY TALKS
4) Communicate, promote and share critical information and the mapping of spaces in terms of accessibilities
5) Disseminate accessibility strategies and best practices to raise awareness of the current situation and future challenges
Project Activities
1) Project management and coordination
2) Needs assessment – national picture of accessibility status
3) Online crash courses on accessibility-related topics
4) Sharing experiences – ACCESSIBILITY TALKS
5) Communication and dissemination – sharing digital tools and contents
6) Achieved outcomes and project’s overall impact assessment
Project Outcomes
1) Involve 30 public organizations or other entities responsible for implementing accessibility strategies in the accessibility
2) Develop 4 crash course sessions per entity, empowering 20 technicians responsible for monitoring and fieldwork on accessibility
3) Face-to-face and online participation of 500 people in the ACCESSIBILITY TALKS
4) Impact a global number of 25,000 individuals (online and presential)
5) Gather 100 surveys for project evaluation and impact assessment
6) Research documents:
How to get involved?
Follow the partners websites and social media pages.
Project Website and SM
Practical Accessibility Guide Book
You can read our guide on how to use the training modules developed within this project.
Project Consortium
Project Financed by

Project News
Stay informed for the project implementation.
Call4Action Project: Accessibility Talks Event and Celebrating National Accessibility Day in Lisbon
19-20 October 20203 – Lisboa, Portugal Portugal, a country renowned for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality, has also been making significant strides in ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all its citizens. On October 19-20th, all...
SINet Project Achievements
Although the SINet project is coming to an end the project partners already had online meeting where we discussed what are the next steps for the future, how the work of the Network and all valuable shared experience, knowledge or products, activities that we...
The International Conference – Digital Civil Society within SINet Project
On 16th of June, was held the first International Conference: Digital Civil Society at the University for Information Science and Technology “St. Paul the Apostle” in Ohrid. The conference was organized by Poraka Nova and the Municipality of Ohrid, as part of the...