Social Innovation Network – SINet

Project Info

SINet aims to explore, stimulate, debate and advance solidarity as a crucial topic within the European society. 

Project Description

Technology continues to change the ways in which we live our lives, allowing us to do things from banking in the comfort of our homes to video calling our friends across the globe, and it is important we continue to think of ways in which it can help to solve society’s most complex issues. Technology offers unlimited opportunities to build on the admirable efforts of civil society to tackle marginalized communities, and this project aims to support the growth of this movement.

“SINet” aims to explore, stimulate, debate and advance solidarity as a crucial topic within European society. It will gather citizens from four EU and a non-EU countries that are with long history of facing political, social and economic crisis. The project will asses the needs those countries and their citizens are facing, while understanding the importance of solidarity and love to other human being from the marginalized communities.

The aim of the project is to encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level as well as to promote opportunities for societal engagement, civil protection and volunteering, through the use of social innovation and new technologies. We will invite citizens (marginalized communities, CSOs, public authorities, business sector, experts in new technologies, youngsters and other citizens) to take part in the debate about equal access, cross-border and local dimension, intercultural dialogue and promotion of volunteering, and for their possible active engagement in organizations, so they can implement their innovative solutions and the use of technology in order to stimulate European solidarity, as a tool for improving the life of the people from marginalized communities. Moreover, through this project we would like to inspire them to become responsible citizens, aware about their community issues, as well as to gain concrete tools how to be always active, prepared to improve the quality of the communities they live in.

Project Duration


Project Objectives

To foster European citizenship and to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level.
Encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level, by developing citizens’ understanding of the Union policy making-process and promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering at Union level.

Project Activities

-Community Forum
-Public Debate 
-Training Course

Project Outcomes

-A report for needs, good practices, and recommendations will be produced at the final event and delivered to the media, international organizations, NGOs and municipalities in the participating countries.

-A special website will be created, where all the outcomes will be presented.

-As final outcome is establishing a Social Innovation Network (each of the participating organizations will be the contact point in the respected country (region)), which will work on the digital transformation of the civil society in order to improve solidarity methods for making better impact for the marginalized communities. This is a starting point of long-term collaboration in this field.

How to get involved?

Check out the website and facebook page for updates and info how you can be involved. 

Project Website and SM

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Project Consortium

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Project News

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SINet Project Achievements

SINet Project Achievements

Although the SINet project is coming to an end  the project partners already had online meeting where we discussed what are the next steps for the future, how the work of the Network and all valuable shared experience, knowledge or products, activities that we...

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