We are proud of our achievements from the past month where we implemented and held the unique training program for accessibility in our country within the framework of the Call4Action project, supported by Erasmus+ program, led by the partners from Portugal (Salvador) in partnership with our organization Poraka Nova and partners from Spain (Impulsa Igualdad).

The goal of the project is to highlight the challenges of accessibility in public spaces, parks, sidewalks, schools, markets, etc., which is one of the main reasons for the social exclusion of people with disabilities. Additionally, a specific goal was to create training program and to train and increase the capacity of the relevant stakeholders and organizations operating in this field through the specially created modules of this training program, in order to improve accessibility on various levels.

The training program was conducted online, and 9 participants successfully completed the whole programe. The participants were representatives from non-governmental organizations and public institutions and bodies, where they acquired new knowledge in the field of accessibility and through interactive exercises showed how to act in practice to improve accessibility.
The program was separated in 4 modules and all of the topics were related to accessibility starting from “Legal + Inclusive culture”, continuing with “Practical strategies for accessibility”, “Advocacy, public awareness collaborative engagement” and finishing with sharing the “Best practices and Promotion of the Inclusion”. The topics covered in the modules aimed to supplement the knowledge of the participants, while encouraging them to take actions or create strategies in accordance with the legal issues, responsibilities, experiences and good practices that were shared during the course.

The first session was dedicated to introduction to the project and the trainings, and the topic of the module was about legal and inclusive culture where they learned the legal acts, laws and legal strategies in each of the partner countries still aiming to learn in their own countriey.  The second online session of the training program was dedicated to practical strategies in the field of accessibility, where participants learned more on how to develop accessible environment. During the third online session, advocacy, public awareness and cooperation through interactive exercises the participants learned on how to act and take action when there need to be accessibility involved including different environments. And in the last online session of the training program for accessibility, the participants were presented with the last module on best practices in the field of accessibility and how inclusivity can be promoted. Through real and positive examples from our country and the world, the participants learned more about this topic and saw how accessibility can be improved. At the end they were more aware of the issues, even though most of them have been working with disabilities for a long time, they were motivated to take more active steps toward accessibility in the places where they live.

All videos from these 4 online sessions are available on our YouTube channel, you can watch them at the following links.

Video from the first session:


Video from the second session: 


Video from the third session: 


Video from the fourth session:

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