From 21-26 March in Spain the YInfoPEERs training course was organized within the project Youth Ambassadors & YInfoPEERs, where 5 Macedonian youth ambassadors joined the event with other European young people in order to get skilled in the field of youth information and how to transfer the knowledge it in their local communities. Youth Ambassadors & YInfoPEERs Project is led by ERYICA, in partnership with other youtn organizations from Cyprus, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Spain, Malta, Ireland, Slovenia, Austria and Croatia.

Photo credit: ERYICA

Together with the other peers from 8 European countries our Yinfo Ambassadors were trained how to advocate for young people’s right to information, how to carry out local-level trainings with their peers, and to gain skills and competences in different important areas that will help them to influence decision-making processes.

Our Yinfo ambassadors already started their next task, preparations for organizing the national/local-level training as part of their training programme. Young people will learn by doing; they will be assigned a task during their training andwill carry it out themselves after the training is over. In this way, they can see for themselves the challenges that come with organising multiplier and training events, and will have the possibility, with the support of the partner organisations, to carry out an activity by themselves.

Stay tuned, very soon we will announce when and where the local event will be held!

In the mean time we are sharing with you the testimonials and personal impressions about the event in Spain. Check them below!

What first caught my attention during the training in Comarruga is that we devoted majority of the first day to getting to know each other, and feeling comfortable around one another, which further aided us to perform better in all of the tasks and activities during the training.  During the course of the training we focused on two areas: overall information about ERYICA as an organization and what is youth information. We visited a youth information center to see everything that we were learning about happen in action. We additionally focused on how to be good facilitators and how to pass our knowledge to our peers. To set everything we learned in stone, we did a mock presentation on a certain topic in groups, for which we later got a constructive feedback, which really helped us to practically understand everything we had previously learned theoretically. – Tamara Ilioska


During the training in Coma-Ruga I personally gained a lot of experience and knowledge, from all the unique activities, from the professionalism in the trainers there was sure a lot that you can learn and take from them. I loved how they interacted and how they listened to our proposals and ideas. I personally started practicing all of skills gained the minute I got to my home town. This training for sure is useful and I would recommend this training 100% to every YA that has the chance to attend it. – Pece Krstevski


The experience was amazing and productive, because of learning about youth information, activism, and the ways how to present and inform the youngsters in the local communities. This helped me a lot to improve my skills and develop myself and be more involved in the activities of the organization ERYICA. This knowledge I will use in the future events, that we need to organize in our communities. – Renata Penchova


I am very pleased to have participated in the InfoPEERs training from ERYICA, where I had the opportunity to learn more about the importance of a peer approach in youth information. At the same time, I had the honor to meet and work with other young people from eight other countries, with similar interests and I am happy that we contributed to the success of this training. I am motivated to continue collaborating with the other youth info ambassadors and I am very looking forward to the implementation of the follow-up local activities! – Bojan Lazarevski

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