Youth Ambassadors & YInfoPEERs

Project Info

Youth Ambassadors & YInfoPEERs aims to enhance youth participation and to raise awareness about the importance of young people’s right to information.

Project Description

The overall objective of the project is to train young people across Europe to become ambassadors for young people’s right to information, to be able to carry out local-level trainings with their peers, and to gain skills and competences in different important areas that will help them to influence decision-making processes (digital communication, social networks, video-making, advocacy etc.). This is expected to have a large impact on the number of young people accessing youth information and counselling services in the partner countries and beyond, as well as on the visibility, relevance and impact of youth information and counselling services at local, national and European level. In the course of this process, through their involvement with ERYICA and the different partner organisations, the Youth Ambassadors will also influence European and national/local level decision-making processes in the youth field, highlighting the importance of youth information and counselling. The project recognises the potential of young people as key multipliers and stakeholders in the design, provision and dissemination of youth information services.

Project Duration


Project Objectives

– Co-creating and piloting a training course for peer-to-peer in youth information (Youth InfoPEERS), so that young people can carry out local projects with their peers, become peer
educators, and support youth information services at the local level in increasing their outreach;
– Co-creating and piloting a training course for youth ambassadors on the right to information (iNFObassadors), training them with skills such as advocacy, media and information literacy, digital competences and communication;
– Co-creating and piloting a MOOC on how to run a successful online advocacy campaign (iAdvocate online) targeting young people (peer-to-peer) and youth organisations;
– Increasing the outreach of youth information visibility across Europe, both for young people and for communities, by supporting the ambassadors to organise local-level trainings and campaigns, and a European-level joint multiplier event;
– Developing a structure and support system to ensure the ambassadors’ participation for a duration of 20 months, with the active participation and support of the partners, so that they have the resources and support to carry out local activities from what they have learnt and can participate in decision-making processes at European level through ERYICA;
– Developing a framework that ensures the structured and permanent involvement of young people in the ERYICA network decision-making processes and governance, such as a youth panel; and
– Political awareness-raising at local, national and European levels through multiplier events and targeted communication.

Project Activities

-Kick off meeting;
-Consortium meetings;
-Expert workin group meetings;
-Multiplier event;
-Final event in Brussles.

Project Outcomes

– Co-creating and piloting the Youth InfoPEERs training manual, where young people will become peer educators in youth information and learn about the importance of grassroots level peer-to-peer activities to ensure that more young people know about and make use of youth information and counselling services;
– Co-creating and piloting the INFObassadors training manual, where participants will learn about advocacy and decision-making processes at European level;
– Creating and producing the iAdvocate Online MOOC on carrying out a successful online advocacy campaign designed by young people targeted at young people and youth
organisations. It be available widely available on Moodle;

How to get involved?

Youth Ambassadors were seleted through open call.

Project Website and SM

Project Consortium


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