Judo for All

Project Info

Judo for All: Iinclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Judo and making judo accessible to everyone.

Project Description

The overall objective of the project is to create opportunities for PwID to practice judo so as to better include and integrate them in the society, as well enhance their wellbeing and health through physical activities.
The project goes in line with the main credo of the EU`s policies and contributes to their reinforcement and realization. The principles of equality and inclusiveness as core values stipulated in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), EU treaties7 and the new Erasmus + Programme and the Inclusion and Diversity Strategy are enshrined in the project`s spirit. The project directly focuses on inclusion of people with fewer opportunities through sports and works towards barrier-free access to sport.

The approach and methodology of the project is tailored specifically to address the needs of the PwID aged 18-35 as main target group, but also do develop new work methods and programs for the participating organizations in regards with PwID. Inclusive judo program would be created and implemented by each club, considering the physical and intellectual capacities of PwID. The program would be created within the project consortium where Poraka Nova Struga would offer its decades expertise working with PwID. Additionally, an experienced trainer in work with PwID will lead the process and the overall co-creation session to secure quality inclusive and participatory methodology of the
program. Complementary, the sports clubs would work on the physical/practical side of the judo activities, consulting latest literature and trends in inclusive judo and up to date practices of the National Judo Sports Federations. In the lasts months of the project, this program joined by a desktop research and mapping of inclusive sports and inclusive judo from WB and EU, will be synthesized in a Toolkit.

Project Duration


Project Objectives

– increase the involvement of young PwID (18-35 years of age) from EU and the WB in sports by participating in regular judo activities and competitions within an international sports framework
– build the capacities of the partner organizations in working with PwID and enhance crossborder cooperation by allowing exchange of know-how, practices and mobility experiences between EU and WB
– introduce innovative judo methods and practices based on the local realities and needs in each participating country by developing an inclusive judo training program
– raise awareness about the importance of inclusive sport, and combat any form of discrimination and exclusion of PwID.

Project Activities

-Kick off meeting
-Inclusive Judo traning program for PwID (co-creation)
-Inclusive Judo traning proram for PwID
-Inclusive Judo Camp for PwID
-National Judo Competitions for the PwID
-Transnational Judo Competition Struga, North Macedonia – June 2022
-Monitoring and evaluation

Project Outcomes

-3 implementation training plans,
-1 international camp,
-3 national competitions,
-1 transnational competition,

How to get involved?

Stay tuned, soon we will sare the official website and social media chanels very soon.

Project Website and SM

Website: https://judo4all.net/ 
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/judo4allinclusion/ 
Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/judo4allproject2022/ 

Project Consortium

Project Financed by

Project News

Stay informed for the project implementation.

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