Deadline: 3 April 2024
Benefits: all costs are covered from the organizer

Poraka Nova is looking for participants from Macedonia for the upcoming  youth exchange called “Peer support works out” which will be from 20.6. to 29.06.2024 (travel days included) in Croatia (Pirovac). Hosting organziation is Proni, center for social education from Croatia.  Main goal of the project is to enable  peer-to-peer support development in partner organizations throughout sharing best practices and methods used in different countries for dealing with mental health issues in daily youth work.
Expected results: 
Young people will:
– participate in the creation of new opportunities for peer to peer support – better understand the mental health challenges young people face – better understand how they can be a quality peer-to-peer support
Eligibility 18+ years old from Macedonia, interested in topics such as: youth work, mental health among youth, peer to peer education.
Selection: 5 young people (18-25 years) and 1 group leader for this project will be selected. Additionally for the need of preparing the event in Training Centre Pirovac (Adriatic Coast) in June, there will be APV meeting with 1 leader and 1 young person from each partner organization on 7-9 MAY 2024 in Pirovac. Meaning that these selected participants will travel once in May for the meeting, and once for the Youth Exchange in June.
All costs are covered by the project leader and organizer trough the Erasmus+ program.
How to apply?
For more info please read the INFOPACK. Please submit your application through this APPLICATION FORM, until 3 April 2024, 12 PM CET. If you have any questions please contact

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