Our Projects

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Social Innovation Network SINet

SINet aims to explore, stimulate, debate and advance solidarity as a crucial topic within the European society. 

Face To Face

Lice v lice (Face to face) is the first and only street magazine in Macedonia, sold by people from marginalized communities, promoting social justice and inclusion.


NEUEYT – Novel Framework for democratic participation and Engagement of Underrepresented European Youngsters.

Care and Family Respite

Social service for offering Care at home and Family respite, for people with disabilities, people with severe chronic diseases, and people who need palliative care.


Judo for all: inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in judo, and making judo accessible to everyone.


Youth Ambassadors & YInfoPEERs aims to enhance youth participation and to raise awareness about the importance of young people’s right to information.


Pioneering Youth Information and Counselling in the Western Balkans, to assist young people in all aspects of their lives and their autonomous decision-making.


A platform for youth opportunities, trainings and conferences, jobs and internships, contests, grants, and volunteering opportunities.

Accessible Handball

Providing accessible handball training and sport activities aimed for people with intellectual disabilities. 

Face to Face with Diversities

Project which is focused on diversity, women’s issues, minority rights, and project activities aim to provide a contribution to fostering tolerance and inclusion.


Youth Mobile Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Future project will be implemented on 3 continents and will stimulates youth to develop sustainable innovative business mobile solutions to the persisting community challenges. 

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Green It Up

The youth exchange project  focused on new methodologies to engage young people and create a greener and sustainable community.  Practice new pedagogical tools in the framework of sustainability, green practices and local climate actions.

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Stop the Discrimination of People with Disabilities 

Project which is focused on rasing awearnes about the forms of discrimination of people with disabilities.

The New Green Me

Erasmus+ youth exchange project of associations interested in new methodologies to engage young people and create a greener and sustainable community.

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Call 4 Action

This project addresses the lack of good accessibilities of public spaces one of the main reasons for the social exclusion of persons with disabilities.

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Peer School for Youth Mental Health

Project which is focused on training and educating young people on mental health topic and how to become peer educators. 

European Citizenship Academy – ECA

European youth education project which aims to engage young people and youth organisations in the democratic process and society.

I’ll go to our places – На наши места ја да си идам

Project about cultural heritage for Ohrid UNESCO region through creative text and illustrations made by artists. 

Through Postcards to Inclusion

Photo competition hat supports employability of marginalized groups and provides visibility to photographers (amateurs and professionals).

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